Low Level Laser Therapy

Laser photobiomodulation therapy uses low levels of light to stimulate healing.   Laser light beams can stimulate the cells in the body that repair tissue, reduce inflammation and transmit pain.

Please enjoy this video about our new Erchonia FX-635 laser and see how it can eliminate your pain.  It can be used to treat a myriad of ailments including chronic low back pain and plantar fasciitis.

The laser beam can stimulate function according to its intensity and the amount of time it’s applied. The beam is applied directly to the problem area with the intentions of decreasing pain or inflammation, promoting healing of wounds, tissues, and nerves, or for preventing tissue damage. Damaged cells have a physiological reaction that helps promote their regeneration.

It’s noninvasive, painless, and there’s no need for medication or other preparation. There are generally no side effects or reported adverse events.  While each session only takes a few minutes, it may take a series of treatments to gauge its effectiveness.

Please call our office at 217-431-2010 to schedule a visit and learn how low-level laser treatment can make your pain a thing of the past.

Below are just a few of the success stories for Laser Therapy treatment by Dr. Bartosh at 

Pro-Active Wellness & Injury Centre.

Dramatic difference achieved with laser therapy!

The photos below show a the rapid results of laser therapy on a client’s toe.  The toe had been injured and was misaligned and pushed out of place.  The tendons and ligaments surrounding were torn.

The photo in the left was taken on the first visit.  The photo on the right shows the toe following only 4 laser treatments!  As you can see, the swelling is gone, and the toe has returned to normal.

Immediate Results

You owe it to yourself to watch these videos for a couple of reasons. First, to appreciate the body’s amazing response to laser therapy in treating this athlete’s shoulder separation and secondly, to see the genuine expression on his face when he experiences the results! This young man made my day!

Edema Treated with Laser

The picture on the left is of an individual suffering with edema of her left arm. Her arm was so swollen from the edema that it was nearly immobile and difficult to use.  The picture on the right is of the same left arm after a few treatments of combined therapies given in our centre, which included our low level lasers. Isn’t the body just amazing? Know someone with this type of problem? Maybe we can help them…..

Wound Healed with Laser Therapy

Here’s what 3 treatments or 42 total minutes of treatment with the FX635 can do for a body! Know any “body” who could benefit from this kind of care? If so, please share this with them.

The pictures below show before and after pictures of a wound after only 3 laser therapy treatments!!  The treatments were given on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the same week. The after picture was taken the following Monday.


Wound of Diabetic Healed You may be aware of the effects of diabetes on wound healing. Diabetes can slow the healing process and a small wound can become limb or life-threatening. The photos below demonstrate the effectiveness of laser treatments on the wound of a 75-year old diabetic male.  This wound had been present for 10 days with no indication of healing. After only four treatments by Dr. Bartosh, the wound had closed and the patient’s risk of infection or even loss of limb was eliminated.
Burn Victim Uses Laser Therapy The videos below show the remarkable power of laser treatments to promote healing. The first one shows remnants of second and third-degree burns which were a result of a gas fire the patient sustained over a year prior to the first treatment by Dr. Bartosh.  The second video demonstrates the healing abilities of the human body when benefited by laser therapy. Even though the damage to the skin was well over a year old, the body still responded in a positive manner. The lesson here is to never give-up when it comes to your health-your body never does!
Horse Aided by Benefits of Laser Therapy Dr. Bartosh does not limit his care to humans. The three videos below depict an injured horse that also benefited from laser therapy. The videos show the horse before the treatment, immediately after, and at a later follow up.
There are a multitude of issues that can benefit from low level laser therapy.  A few are listed below. 
Athlete’s Foot
Back Pain
Carpal Tunnel
Chron’s Disease
Congestive Heart Failure
Cushing’s Syndrome
Ear Ache
Facial Paralysis
Herpes Simplex, Zoster
High Blood Pressure
Inflammatory Bowel
Ligament/Meniscus Tears
Liver Disorders
Meniere’s Syndrome
Osgood-Schlatter Disease
Plantar Fasciitis
Trauma (pre/post)
Thyroid Disorders
Urinary Tract Infection
Varicose Veins
Viral Infections
Water Retention
Wound Healing
If you’re interested in laser therapy, please contact our office to find out if it makes sense for you.