Colloidal is a solid (in this case gold) of minute particles, that remain in suspension in a surrounding liquid (in this case de-ionized water).
Gold has always been the prize of desire, but now the elixir of choice? We know that this precious metal has been a primary building block of the body. Very little research is underway to find how such a crucial metal in our body is being lost and not constantly replenished.
Europeans have long used colloidal gold as a supplement in their diet to replenish this key element of the body. In using colloidal gold as a supplement, arthritis sufferers noticed reduced swelling and pain. In some cases pain was eliminated entirely. Extensive European studies and use showed that stress levels were controlled, and that depression and anxiety faded away while patients diets were supplemented with colloidal gold.
The overseas reports conclude that colloidal gold has a most positive effect on the nerve structure and brain. Gold being one of the best conductors of electricity, it isn’t at all surprising that the supplementing of gold to a body that is gold depleted, would improve the overall function of the nervous system including improved memory and quicker thought processes.
Memory loss comes with age and is joked about by the “50 and over” crowd. However memory loss is temporary and can be improved. Mental exercises, diet and supplements have shown that memory loss can be avoided or reversed and in most cases improved.
Dementia can be caused by several factors such as stroke, circulation, Alzheimer’s and more but the common thread is poor conductivity in the brain. Dementia and memory loss are treatable. Most sufferers don’t or cannot help themselves. If dementia is left untreated, memory loss worsens. As dementia escalates in an individual, their plight becomes the families’ everyday responsibility to care for an adult as if they were a very small child. Dementia affects the caretaker in ways greater than the patient.
Gold has long been known to promote healthier skin, reduce the healing time of burns and clear up skin ulcers. For many years the Europeans have used colloidal gold to combat alcohol addiction. Again memory loss due to alcohol abuse affects the brain and a gold supplement would be the obvious choice.
Colloidal trace minerals derived from plant material are the easiest absorbed of all minerals. Single colloidal minerals such as silver, gold, and platinum can be electrically reduced to a size that is readily assimilated into the blood stream.
This all natural ingredient of our body is not replenished by the foods we eat. Our alternative is to seek out colloidal gold and other trace minerals to keep the required levels for a healthy body.