HPV is the human papillomavirus (HPV).

It is a virus.

Some viral infections can be cured, but many like HPV, can cause chronic (long-term) conditions that may become permanent.

Human papillomavirus is a common sexually transmitted viral infection that can cause genital warts. Or certain cancers. Cervical cancers in women. Throat, head and neck cancers in males. And even in some females.

Years later.

From exposure to oral sex or having had multiple sexual partners.

The “saying” in medicine is that if anyone has had over two to three sexual partners, you probably already have HPV.

Whether you are male or female.

We are presently in a sexual revolution.

There is even “The Lifestyle” where folks often have lots of sex. With lots of partners.

More and more females are having sex with same gender partners.

This puts both male and female contemporary humans at risk of HPV infections.

The big issue is that there is no real accurate or recommended blood test for HPV.

In either gender.

This means when someone reports to keeping up with sexual testing and claims they are “safe”, they still might be silent carriers of this viral infection.

Thus, HPV infections are a “high price to pay” for an individual partaking in the sexual freedom movement, since you really can’t know if your partner has this infection.

In women this virus is often, not always, identified while getting a Pap smear.

A Pap smear is the main way presently that HPV is found, by examining cells taken directly from the cervix which are then examined using a microscope.

HPV microscope tests check for the DNA or RNA of cells to see if someone has a “high-risk” HPV infection that can cause cervical cancer however, there is currently no regular clinical test to rule this infection out if in the throat.

An HPV infection in the throat is “silent” and is what can lead to head, neck or throat cancers in some men, and perhaps a growing number of females, years down the road, in fact, many years after exposure, or multiple exposures.

As women become more sexually active with other women, this may now be increasing in females.

Obvious Infection

This viral infection can sometimes be identified by skin or mucous membrane growths or darkened areas of skin “changes”.  These are called genital warts or active or inactive skin “patches”. These patches look brownish or reddish with irregular edges.

The darkened affected skin can be active or inactive HPV infections. but all warts and skin patch areas need to be biopsied.

Patches of darken but HPV identified skin patches should be “burned” off if they, on biopsy, are found to be linked to the more highly carcinogenic varieties of viruses.

They can be “burned” off in a dermatologist’s office.

There are more than 150 varieties of human papillomavirus (HPV).

There are at least 40 strains of HPV that can cause cervical (or head and neck) cancers. Even if you are told it is only 12 types that may be carcinogenic.

Types 16 and 18 are the most common cancer-causing strains but there are many more.

Most HPV infections do not lead to cancer and currently there is no known cure for the human papillomavirus itself but, there are some specific treatments.

  • Prescription medications or chemical paint can help the warts or darkened skin patches go away but these meds are awful and can make a person feel really ill.
  • Treatment and burning of warts or skin patches in a dermatologist or OBGYN office.
  • These viruses can go away on their own, over time, typically within a few months but the individual must be retested to make sure they are gone.
  • If a woman (or man) is on immunotherapies, for example IV infusions for the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis, these infections often stay “constantly active” and contagious as the immune system is continually suppressed as part of that allopathic treatments, i.e., prescribed medications.

We typically do not get rid of viral infections entirely, they stay “silent” and “suppressed” unless we get immuno-suppressed by medication, severe stress or severe adrenal depletion.

Since this virus is linked to rare, but still “true” cancers, in both genders, and there is no easy blood test to rule out infection in a partner, the GARDASIL vaccine was created.

However, this vaccine has been linked to more side effects than any other vaccine other than the Covid 19 vaccine (even if your doctor does not know about this).

It is not easy to find this link of serious side effects, or even cancer, in either “Dr. Google” or Pubmed.gov.

But these serious side-effects are mentioned in government tracking systems (VARES) and in an ever-increasing number of patients and lawsuits, to the point that we must lift our heads up out of the sand.

The manufacturer of GARDASIL is being sued for this vaccine as many plaintiffs claim they developed severe autoimmune diseases as well as actually getting cervical cancer after being vaccinated with this product or because a family member being treated ended up dying.

It is now known but not easily found online, that if a woman unknowingly gets the HPV virus at the same time she has a silent unidentified HPV infection, her risk of getting cervical cancer greatly increases!

We do know that those getting this vaccine are more likely to get screenings so this has made causal links hard to identify.

One shocking medical report is the personal report of one young woman who got the vaccine, had a negative PAP only weeks before, and yet within weeks she stunningly got Stage 3 cervical cancer!

This should be taken seriously.

Australian researchers reviewed 38 relevant papers involving human studies across several countries regarding Gardasil® HPV vaccine safety.

They said concluded that even though these papers “claim” this vaccine is safe, major concerns were that the studies had many conflicts of interest. With the very companies producing these vaccines.

These Australian researchers wrote:

Of major concern was the finding that a majority of these studies disclosed minor to major involvement with the vaccine manufacturers, and the inhibitory cost of use in developing nations.

They concluded that since this vaccine is often given to children, it’s safety really has not been verified.

There are many adverse events reported in the government vaccine tracking program but it’s challenging to find any of this published in pubmed.gov, which we now feel is being sadly censored.

An Italian review of the HPV vaccine and autoimmune diseases found no statistical link between this vaccine and autoimmune diseases, so it is difficult to believe some of this supposed science, even though “real-world cases” say otherwise.

Merck obtained a fast-track FDA approval for Gardasil with deceptive research trials, concealing material facts about the effectiveness and safety of Gardasil.

In 2006, Merck began heavily marketing a misleading campaign that its Gardasil vaccine was a safe and effective way to prevent HPV infections however, evidence has arisen that the Gardasil vaccine causes serious and disabling side effects.

Law-suit plaintiffs claim the Gardasil vaccine’s manufacturer did not provide adequate warning of possible side effects associated with the product and that Merck fraudulently concealed evidence about the health risks of the vaccine while at the same time misrepresenting that Gardasil could prevent cervical cancer.

Specifically, multiple lawsuits have been filed against Merck for issues such as failure to warn, manufacturing defect, and negligence.

Gardasil Long-Term Side Effects

Scientific research has found that Gardasil induces and increases the risk of many long-term side effects related to autoimmune disorders and reproductive disorders, including:

  • Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTs)
  • Premature and/or primary ovarian failure and insufficiency
  • Reproductive disorders
  • Guillain–Barré syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Dysautonomia
  • Orthostatic Intolerance
  • Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Chronic regional pain syndrome
  • Migraines/Severe headaches
  • Persistent gastrointestinal discomfort
  • Widespread pain of a neuropathic character
  • Encephalitis syndrome
  • Autonomic dysfunction
  • Joint pain
  • Brain fog
  • Cervical cancer especially if vaccine is given to a person unknowingly presently infected.

​There are multiple lawsuits against Merck pending for serious side effects stemming from its Gardasil vaccine.

There are now approximately 60 active Gardasil lawsuits pending in the Gardasil class- action MDL in the Western District of North Carolina.

An influx of new cases are expected to be filed at some point in the near future as previously filed Gardasil claims clear the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program process.

On December 16, 2013, the CDC was informed by Merck that the company planned to implement a voluntary recall of one lot (lot J007354) of Gardasil Vaccine due to the potential for a small number of vials to contain glass particles resulting from breakage during the manufacturing process.

Then again, in October 2020, Merck issued an urgent voluntary vaccine recall of Gardasil 9 belonging to Lot R030456. Merck recalled Gardasil, a temperature-sensitive vaccine because units were stored at inappropriate temperatures.

Many have complained of negative side effects after receiving Merck’s Gardasil vaccine.

Complaints range from dizziness and fainting to developing autoimmune disorders. To cervical cancer, and even to death.

According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), there have been 64,000 adverse events reported against Gardasil in the United States alone.

“Of these, nearly 10,000 have been serious negative events, including “547 deaths”!

Is Gardasil Off The Market?

After the FDA fast-track approval of the Gardasil 9 vaccine in 2006, the original Gardasil vaccine was phased out of the U.S. Market; and is no longer available for sale in the United States.

The last doses of Gardasil-4 expired on May 1, 2017.

Since late 2016, Gardasil 9 is the only HPV vaccine still distributed in the U.S.

With all the information that has come to light, the CDC still recommends this for kids starting at 9 years of age.

This is from the CDC website August 20th 2024:

HPV Vaccination

Key points

  • Protect your child from certain cancers later in life with HPV vaccine.
  • CDC recommends 2 doses of HPV vaccine at ages 11–12 years. HPV vaccination can be started at age 9 years.

Knowledge is power.

Just because your doc, CVS, or Walgreen’s recommends a vaccine does not mean you or your children should get it.  The better way is to, think for yourself, research and speak to trusted professionals and, “train up your child in the way that he or she should go” (conduct/live their life), a formula which enables all parties involved to enjoy “the best performance of their life!”

God bless,
Dr. B.