by Robert Bartosh | Blog, Rheumatology
Whenever you speak of chiropractors, you will often hear the adherents of old school medical treatments deride their work as being unlicensed and a quack’s profession. Yet speak to someone who really understands the science behind the art of chiropractics and also the...
by Robert Bartosh | Blog, Rheumatology
With all the news about gluten and gluten-free diets, you may be wondering can gluten intolerance lead to weight gain? In fact, if your body can’t process gluten you can have many problems including weight gain and inflammation. Additionally, both of these problems...
by Robert Bartosh | Blog, Rheumatology
The word inflammation comes from the Latin inflammare, to set on fire. In the context of our immune system, heat, redness, pain and swelling form as a reaction to either injury, or a perceived threat in the body. If you’ve ever hit your thumb with a hammer, you...
by Robert Bartosh | Blog, Rheumatology
No other medical professional is quite as associated with overall physical wellness as the chiropractor. Granted, in unlearned circles the work is still referred to as “bone cracking” yet this kind of thinking is quickly dying out, especially now that chiropractic...
by Robert Bartosh | Blog, Rheumatology
Stress is a normal part of modern daily life, but most people are not aware of the negative consequences of stress on their health–until it is too late. Some people are able to cope with stress better than others, while others take practical steps to reduce...
by Robert Bartosh | Blog, Rheumatology
When Daniel Palmer first provided structure to his theories of chiropractic care, there was little if any literature that dealt with the idea of putting together a regimen which reinforced the relationship that exists between a body’s structural system and its...